Version 2.0
Heck 'n' Jyll » Devlog
This is the post-jam, definitive version of the game.
- Levels were completely redesigned. The finale is now 7. (Of course each of these levels also have a Dark version...)
- New enemy types added. We went from 4 enemy types to 10 (5 of each World.)
- Added projectiles to 2 enemies that did not have them.
- Gentlemen (LW enemy) can now jump if they get to a 1-tile obstacle (they won't get stuck.)
- Some bugs regarding certain endgame conditions were fixed.
- Controls over cutscene dialogue and banter added to Settings Menu.
- When you kill a Dark World enemy, a toast appears showing how much Sanity you regained.
- The amount of health you regained upon going back to the Light World used to be RNG, now it is based on the amount of Light World physical damage you took before going into the Dark World.
- Cooldowns added to player attack/cast. Can no longer attack/cast while walking.
- Hardcore Mode added to Settings Menu. In Hardcore Mode, any hit you take in the Light World makes you lose all Sanity, but when you get to Dark World you start with 50% Sanity instead of 0. As a result, there are a lot more transitions; it is a dynamic way to experience the game. In Hardcore Mode, enemies are no longer screen-wiped when you transition between worlds!
This is likely the final update for Heck 'n' Jyll, at least for a while. Thank you for everyone who has enjoyed playing this game and for my jam co-authors who made it shine... everyone did a great job. ~ GCB
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44 days ago
Heck 'n' Jyll
a lydlbutton crew game
Status | Released |
Authors | GreenCastleB, s1gnal, frogsyyy, CannonFodderG |
Genre | Platformer |
Languages | English |